Learn to Speak K-lish, Lesson 5

These are just some words my baby K is saying right now at nearly 2 and a half. Her speech is cute right now, but she may be a speech therapy candidate in the future. There's no comedy in speech therapy, My Boy has gone for 2 years now. Just trying to lighten the mood and capture the precious baby talk before I miss it!

Catch up on the fun..

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4

Tahoe?-Tahoe-emphasis on the HOE. When we were there she asked if everything was Tahoe and said it very loudly when we'd see the lake.

wee wee-movie-as in 'go wee wees eat pop ohn?'

pop ohn-popcorn-she carries the packages from the box around and will ask anyone to make it for her. She took it to the park yesterday.

howsh-house-as in 2 minutes after we get to the park, 'my howsh, want to go my howsh.'

..ann you ann you [pointing her finger at everyone around her]-I'll be There for You (theme to the show Friends)-DQ taught her after one on the lines "I'll be there for youuuuu" to start saying 'and you and you and you.' So now when the show comes on she starts dancing and yelling 'ann you ann you.'

YoYo Turtus-JoJo's Circus-one of her new favorite shows to watch.

wowwur-flower-as in 'dat wowwur mine.'

I toot-i'm cute-DQ taught her to say this.

my why wide-my[I want to go on a] bike ride-loves to do this with daddy and My Boy.

Waygo-Lego-another fun pastime playing with My Boy.

Hi Yaya, my mone-Hi Yaya, I'm on the phone-whenever she picks up my cell or the home phone she prentends to be talking to my mom.

popckle-popsicle-every time the freezer is opened she comes running from anywhere in the house screaming 'popckle popckle!'

uh way yuh-underwear-bringing her panties to me and stepping on them to try and get them on.

**NEWSFLASH** K peed in the potty for the first time EVER last night (I was at Mamma Mia! and Hubby texted me! YAY!

48 supporters in group:

  1. Jill said...

    Oh that is WAY too cute!

  2. Brittany said...

    How adorable! I almost don't want them to talk for real, as this is way more fun! I am thinking I may be headed to speech therapy myself...when should I be worried he isn't really talking using actual words?

  3. Not Just Any Jen said...

    I just love this stuff!! I can just hear her saying it in her sweet little voice.
    Yea for peeing on the potty!!! Here's to many more!

  4. Lori said...

    Too cute! The thing is I am around so many little ones that I was able to understand what she was saying! I am actually called the "child interperter" around the school that I work at. Yep, I speak kid language quite well...one of my many talents!

  5. Lisa said...

    Hooray for the potty! Love her "k-lish" - classic stuff!

  6. Susan said...

    So cute! My son is 2.5 and he has some real winners too. I will have to start writing some of them down and do one of these posts. We crack up almost everyday with some of the new phrases he uses.

  7. Ranch Girl said...

    M and I like the popckle one the best. Reminds me of Luke and any kind of package opening - he'll come running (even though he pretends to be deaf most of the time).

  8. Anonymous said...

    That is so cute! I love this stage of talking. From you list there my favorite is Yo Yo Turtus, so cute! My son, Ben, is 20 months and he says Elbow for Elmo and it is the cutest thing. I'll be sad when he starts using the normal pronunciation.

  9. Cheryl Lage said...

    LOVE the wee lingo...AND a hubby who realizes how important that occasion is and texts you to share the joy!

  10. Tiffany said...

    Good Luck with the potty training. I eventually had to bribe my son with poo poo prizes. LOL It worked! Now if I could just teach him to wipe his own butt. HAHA

  11. Ali said...

    How I wish mine would only like to spend 2 minutes at the park--it's World War 3 trying to get them back in the van!

    Congrats on potty training!

  12. Sue Wilkey said...

    So cute - my daughter used to say 'poss-iss-sol" for popsicle. Hey - diggin' your Jo bros music - I am GOING to the CONCERT FRIDAY!!!!!

  13. Amy said...

    Toddler jarble is so cute! Congrats on the potty training! I hated it...

  14. Jo-Jo said...

    Yeah for the pee-pee in the potty! You will have to let me know how well this developes. I hav found that the whole pee-pee process may be beyond me....sigh

  15. Anonymous said...

    One of my favorites of Auntie Allison's was " Let's go yopping!"

  16. Anonymous said...

    Too cute. You're clever to record it - I always promised myself I would and now I can only remember bits.

  17. Marla said...

    i just love these...
    my c - same age has a new one for truck F*ck - nice huh? screams it ever time he sees one...

  18. Unknown said...

    Cute! And congrats on the potty chair! What a big accomplishment!!

  19. Clare said...

    love hearing about K's words...too cute1 I love wee-wee for the movie. Great job on the potty! XO, Clare

  20. Corey~living and loving said...

    tooooooooooooooo cute! I so wish I had done this for sugar. my mind is so horrible I already forget her cute little words. sigh...

  21. Ann Harrison said...

    When she sings the Friends theme song I'm going to pretend she's singing just to me!
    Funny though, after a bit of Little Penguin I start sounding like baby K.
    *Congratulations on the potty K!

  22. Patrice said...

    This is too cute! It's so funny when they are so young like this. I love baby talk and what's cute is your probably one of the only people that can decipher her unique language!

  23. Tena said...

    YAY K for using the potty!!! Wit woo! I loved this post!
    My son ( oldest)has also been in speech, this will be his first year where he is done, it helped a lot!!!

  24. Debbie said...

    Yahoo for pee pee on the potty!!!...and your phonetic translation was perfect....so so funny!

  25. Pam said...

    with her being two, right?..i don't think she needs speech therapy yet. she says some really cute words. when my son was her age, he would always pronounce 'l's as 'w's. so leg would be 'weg' etc. one day my mom and i told him to say, la la la la leg. he would say la la la la weg! LOL now he has a vocabulary i can't even keep up with. i have to ask him what some words mean...he's 21 and just smart. so no telling, eh? :)

    my husband is a lisper...but not a really heavy one, his son is though...surprised they didn't put him in speech therapy back in the day. he's 13 now...so it's still hard to understand what he's saying sometimes for different reasons...speaking too soft, talking to fast, lisping. i'm starting not to notice it so much now that i'm around him all the time.

  26. Tenakim said...

    adorable as always! Way to go on the potty, K! How was Mamma Mia?

  27. Kaza said...

    How sweet! I miss this phase already, and it was only recently that my 3yo stopped saying most of her "isms" and started speaking as clearly as we do. There are still a precious few left, but they will soon vanish. What a great idea to blog it. And congrats on the pee-pee news!

  28. McMommy said...

    So cute! Love K-speak!!

    Ok, so I'm here to harass you....YOU NEED TO TWITTER!!!!

    Do it, Do it, Do it!!!

    (That's HappyHourSue and I cheering you on...)

  29. Nessa said...

    My personal fave was when i once asked my nephew on the phone what he was doing. His reply was "atin ickn"

    I said WHA??? After 3 times and i didn't get it my sister got on the phone and informed me he was eating chicken.

  30. Rachel said...

    Aww -- how cute! I love it.

  31. Wendi said...

    How cute is she?
    I miss this talk.
    Cole just stopped using w's for his f's.
    His favorite food was wench wies (french fries) and he ate them with his wingers (fingers).
    I was glad when he could finally pronounce the letter f.
    But what I wouldn't give to hear him say that he wanted to go wishing (fishing).

  32. Wendi said...

    Oh... I almost forgot.
    Please tell K that I am doing the potty dance in her honor!!!
    Yay for K!!!

  33. Anonymous said...

    way too cute! You just have to love that age! I even like the way my son says no.:)`

  34. Insane Mama said...

    YOull be happy you have written all this down... I wish I did. I sed to call flowers wawies.

  35. Jen said...

    I have seen you around on some other blog that I read so I thought that I would check you out.
    Very cute post and a great idea. I am going to use it for to help me remember want my kids are saying since the babies are sorta starting to talk. Right now its mostly, mama, dada, dtat and hi.
    I love this stage.

  36. Jenny said...

    CUTE!!!! I like "my why wide"...I'm gonna start calling my ass that!
    Congrats on the tinkle on the pot! You're almost home freeeeeee!!!

  37. Kelly said...

    awwww thats so cute and yay for her peeing in the potty!!

  38. Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

    Hooray for mama mia, and texting and peeing!

  39. Clare Anzoleaga said...

    It's so cool to document baby-speak! My son used to say nooner cycle for motor cycle, and my daughter used to say mow-moo-lawn for mow the lawn. I love hearing these stories... :)

  40. JenEverAfter said...

    Mine likes to say "shy-shys" for french fries. It's one of the only words I use in her language because it's just too cute!
    She likes Jo Jo's Circus, too, but is way in love with Mickey Mouse and Super Why on PBS.

  41. Kate said...

    soooo cute and YAY for her and YOU!!!!! :D

  42. The Buntens said...

    Oh, too cute! I wish I was blogging when my kids were in this stage. I wrote some down, but not enough.

    Congrats on the potty for K!

  43. Jaime said...

    YAY on the potty thing!!! My girls weren't PT'd until almost 3. My BF's 2 year old is trained during the day.

    I love her little language.

    Oh and we call my mom "Yaya" too!!

  44. Rebecca said...

    Yay for peeing on the potty, hopefully she will keep it up and be potty trained before you know it!!

    I always love the K-lish posts, I can just envision her saying the things. :)

  45. Anti-Supermom said...

    Don't you just want to bottle that stuff up so when their 16 and shouting about 'how they hate you' you can remember when 'cute things' actually came out of their mouths instead?!

  46. Carol said...

    YoYo Turtus is totally my favourite. So cute!

    Congrats on the pee I know what a big deal that is.

    I wonder if I leave the house for long enough my 2 year old will pee on the potty. That would totally make me day/week/month/year!

  47. Laural Out Loud said...

    Isn't it adorable? I wish I'd kept better track of my daughter's little language nuances.

  48. Megan said...

    Aw, new words are the cutest. I heart baby speak.

    Congrats on the potty work! Keep it up!!

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