A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

Saturday, September 20, 2008
I scare myself. (Thanks mom for the Gadzooks word). This was me the morning after the cab/vodka/beer night. Those are peppermint eye soothies. When we went to open the blinds, the bright morning sun seared part of my brain and didn't help much of my headache. But, boy did THIS make a great photo op! Thanks for capturing me at my best Ranch Girl (she loves to embarass me)! Crap, how many chins do I have?!

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, thanks!

38 supporters in group:

  1. Mrs4444 said...

    Hilarious. Whatever works, right?!

  2. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    That is too funny! What a great friend to snap that picture.

  3. Stephanie said...

    Oh I love those!!!!!! I need those on a regular basis :) Too cool!

  4. t said...

    Good God I look like that this morning. Although you at least have your hair in place. A nice bottle of wine and Mr. Handsome...you'd think I'd look like a superstar this morning. Glad he gets up when it's the sun is starting to rise. Low-light is the best light......I need those eye thingies...

  5. ParentingPink said...

    OMG! too funny! Reminds me of college when I used to wake up feeling oh, so sick! However, I will say that you look marvelous! Love the eye patches!

  6. Sarah McBride said...

    I agree with your hubby. You're so hot you have a half life!!

    i thoguht you have just gotten Lasik eye surgery or something.

    You made me laugh out loud. Thanks!!

  7. Kate said...

    You are STILL adorable!!!! ;)

  8. Brittany said...

    HAHAHAHA! That is the perfect morning after photo!

  9. Anonymous said...

    I may need to borrow the eye soothies Monday morning! I am having an All Girl's Weekend! Hope we have as much as you had! Meliss

  10. Clare said...

    Jen you are adorable!!! Love it, and the photo is hilarious!!! XO, C

  11. Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

    Cute look honey!!

  12. Brooks said...

    I want to do this, but need directions? I get the adding my blog into the Linky thing, but how do I add the button?
    Great blog!

  13. Tena said...

    well there's all the proof needed that you had yourself a good girls weekend! It would have been a shame if you came home and were not able to claim at least one hangover!!
    HA HA HA
    {{{{JEN }}}}}

  14. Rochelle said...

    You look like you had a great time the night before! That is all that matters, right??? Good times!

  15. Amy Clary said...

    I think it's great how down-to-earth you are. :) You look nice and relaxed in that pic. Happy ATWT!

  16. Deb said...

    Were they comfortable? I think you look cute.

  17. Jo-Jo said...

    I think we have all been there...Yikes, I can feel your pain!

  18. Jamey said...

    LOL you know you had fun when you feel like crap in the morning!

  19. Annie said...

    I'm over due for that kind of pain! Glad it was fun!

  20. Anonymous said...

    Forget about the chin(s).

    You looked comfy, and pretty ;) And THAT is what matters.

  21. Anonymous said...

    LOL...and the glasses make you look "smart"...

  22. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    I heart Thursdays @ Cheaper Than Therapy!

  23. Tyne said...

    I was wondering how you were feeling after that night. Picture says it all!

  24. Elle Bee said...

    Now I need a nap...

  25. Wendi said...

    Jen, You. are. adorable.

    I am loving your look!

  26. Brooks said...

    so where did you get those eye patch things? I need to buy millions!

  27. Ali said...

    LOL! So can you buy those in bulk?

  28. Barbara said...

    Nothing is better than still being fashion forward when recovering from a hangover =)

  29. Anonymous said...

    So the question is...did you take the eye patches along knowing you would need them, or were they a desperate afterthought??

  30. Rochelle said...

    I pulled up your ATWT again to follow the links and my 2 boys caught a glance of "W's Mom" on the screen. They were cracking up and C said "Those aren't really cucumbers, Mom". "What do you know about cucumbers on eyes?" "Well, Mom, some ladies get massages with those on their eyes." There you go.

  31. mom3crazygirls said...

    these may be my favorite pix from the weekend!! I miss you honey!! I loved our time together at the airport bonding!! you're a doll!
    love u!

  32. Cheryl Lage said...

    How have I not jumped onto the 1000 Words bandwagon sooner? I'm in!

    LOVE that shot!

  33. Kate P. said...

    My very FIRST Thousand Word Thursday...I hope I passed! Love the blog gurlfriend! I will be back 4 more! ~Kate~

  34. jill jill bo bill said...

    I think you are beautiful! Love it!!

  35. Rebecca - I'm a Canon girl! said...

    Oh those eye soothies look cool, I could use some of them.
    Where did you get them from???

  36. Jenni said...

    Must have been quite a par-tay!

  37. Unknown said...

    You know I love your blog. You're going to die when you see my 1st ATWT! (ATWT makes me think of As the World Turns!)

  38. Unknown said...

    Love the pic...you just look so relaxed...

    Glad you had so much fun!

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