A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy
This is My Boy last week. He received 3 awards at school. He was proud of himself and of course it's awesome to mom and dad. What's sweet is that afterwards he was so excited that his best buddy got an award too! He has always been so compassionate!
Remember the "shy" picture from last week?? Some things never change...
This is DQ, she also received many awards last week, including Principal's honor roll (all A's) and a reading award for 500,000+ words read in a certain reading program!

Our kids SO rock! Way to go!

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, and visit the other participants as well, thanks!

46 supporters in group:

  1. Pam said...

    they actually give LETTER grades there? totally numbers here until you are in middle school/high school. kids go through k-8 school so ALL get numbers just based on standards.

    congrats to DQ and Your Boy. no one here even made honor roll the 1st trimester lol it was shocking for me cos mini-me usually does.

  2. Scary Mommy said...

    Yay for your kids, that's awesome!!

    And I'm finally playing for the very first time. :)

  3. A Christian Mom said...

    Great job to both of them, for their awards!

  4. Mrs4444 said...

    Your hard work and dedication pays off! :)

  5. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    That's so funny about DQ!

  6. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Congrats to your kiddos and to momma! That's awesome.

  7. Kristen Andrews said...

    very cute, love that his friend was excited for him.

  8. Brooks said...

    Super cool! Its the best feeling when your kids do great!!

  9. Amy Clary said...

    Aw...congrats to you and your kids. You must be so proud. :)
    I love that "Yesssssssssssss" shot.

  10. Dee said...

    look at your smart little cookies! Great job guys!

  11. Anonymous said...

    YAY! Congrats to your kids!!

  12. A Family Completed... said...

    How sweet he's excited for his friend! Way to go on the awards!!

  13. kel said...

    awww.. what a good friend he is!!!

  14. April said...

    Way to go My Boy and DQ!!!!

    Nice job Mom...you must be doing something right!!!

  15. Brittany said...


  16. Proud Mommy said...

    congrats on the awards!!! Woohooo!!!

  17. Ali said...

    AND way to go mom! Because as moms, we are teachers too--as of yesterday, I am now an expert at teaching contractions and how to use apostrophes!

  18. Jamey said...

    Awards are alays a parents dream!BTW I know what you got for christmas, I helped DQ shop yesterday, she pu allot of thought into your gift.:0)

  19. WeaselMomma said...

    THAT'S GREAT! I want to know what he said to the little girl sitting next to him to make her cry though.

  20. Former Fat Chick said...

    Is that Captain Caveman sitting between those 2 boys? hmmm, could be my Hairy #2's mini me!

  21. Mel Fraase said...

    Thanks! My first Thousand Word Thursday...I 'm going to enjoy this!!

  22. Anonymous said...

    Look at both of them. Is she trying to hide her excitement? Too precious!

  23. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Awards are awesome! Congrats My Boy and DQ!

  24. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    Kids are so amazing. Congrats on the fine parenting.

  25. Leslie said...

    Congrats, you have lots to be proud of! Jobs well done!

  26. Noob Mommy said...

    My favorite days were Awards Assemblies when I was teaching. I loved seeing the kids' faces and their proud parents in the audience :) Grats to you & the kids!

  27. Corrine said...

    way to go! they look great!

  28. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    You to save me last week too...I need to watch my typing! Pretty soon your going to outlaw me from ATWT so that you don't have to babysit my link anymore! ;) Thanks

  29. Erica said...

    That is great that they are doing so good and how sweet for your boy to care about his friend too! Do you manually put your watermark on your pictures or can you automate that?

  30. Clare said...

    your children sound so sweet and wonderful, all As that is awesome!! XO, C

  31. xoxo, collette said...

    That's so great! My son gets his award on Monday! So excited for him!

    Congrats! I wish my son was that enthusiastic about his friends getting awards. =)

  32. Jo-Jo said...

    You know who else rocks? You do! Thanks for adding me...your the best!

  33. Amber said...

    Congrats to your kiddos on their awards. I good work to you and your hubby!

  34. xoxo, collette said...

    Thanks for letting me know. Somehow I added an extra "mommys-angel" to the end of the link. The new one should work now! =)

  35. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Way to go kiddos. I can not wait to experience stuff like that.. Good job Mom and Dad....

  36. Heather of the EO said...

    Awards rock. Especially those for friends.

    My son Miles wanted to watch the video of your son drawing the names of the winners of the books about 80 times. I finally had to put a stop to it. He thinks he's REEEAL coool.

  37. Jenni said...

    Hooray for smart kiddos!!!!

    Good job mom and dad!

  38. Unknown said...

    You never know!! You may have the first woman president!!! Congrats to both the kids! :)

  39. Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

    Way to go kids!!

  40. Dennis and Leslie said...

    Wow, that's great! You must be so proud!! Keep it up kids!!

  41. Leanna said...

    Yes-they DO rock!! It's so obvious how proud you are...go Mom!!

    Love the facial expressions!

  42. John Deere Mom said...

    That's awesome! Great job, kiddos!

  43. Rebecca said...

    WTG kiddos, you must be proud!!!! :)

  44. JenEverAfter said...

    Congrats kiddos! And what's with the hair on that middle one? We need a barrette STAT!!

  45. flickrlovr said...

    That's awesome! I'm sure you and hubby are so proud. Tell the kids congrats from us!

  46. Colette S said...

    Very proud moments. Congrats to your kids.

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