A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

July, 2002--Sunset Beach. Always something so serene about a photo of people facing the ocean. It's one of my favorite types of shot. Papa teaches DQ how to fish in the ocean.

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65 supporters in group:

  1. Blog Stalker said...

    Alas, I have no photo to post! you understand, right?

    Anyway, what a great photo! I totally am gonna steal the idea next time I am at a beach anyway.

    Have a great day!

  2. Anonymous said...

    I think those are some of my favorite pictures ever...with people facing away from the camera. I love this one!

  3. Leanna said...

    These are my favorite shots too!


  4. Keri said...

    Spectacular photo! A great moment captured perfectly.

  5. Deb said...

    i love it. i hope you have it hanging on a wall somewhere in your house! it's timeless. oh how i love the beach when it's not "beach" weather!

  6. Mrs4444 said...

    Yes, it's very peaceful. Did she catch anything?!

  7. That Janie Girl said...

    Beautiful shot!

  8. Proud Mommy said...

    That is a GORGEOUS picture!!

  9. Halftime Lessons said...

    That's a great shot Jen...you and that Picasa of yours...like peas and carrots.

  10. April said...

    What a beautiful picture.

  11. The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

    Truly Beautiful!

  12. Amy W said...

    An oldie, but a goodie. There is something about daddy/grandpa teaching little girls to fish that gets me. :)

  13. Becca said...

    i think it's official...the best backdrop for a photo is the beach!

  14. Lindsay said...

    I love looking at the ocean pictures as well! I love seeing the pictures from a while ago too :-). I busted out an oldie today!

  15. Kristen Andrews said...

    love shots like this!

  16. Annie said...

    I love a good ocean shot! You're right- very peaceful!

  17. jill jill bo bill said...

    I LOVE that pix. I need to find my beach pictures. I was skinny then. Must.Find.Pictures.

  18. Doublebanker said...

    A very nice photo....looks like a cool beach morning!

    My TwT post

  19. Mrs. Heck said...

    That is an awesome picture! I hate swimming in the ocean just b/c of the fish. LOL! They always tend to bite me, no matter how shallow or deep the water is, i'll attract the fish! Happy ATWT!

  20. Unknown said...

    I love this picture...it's amazing!

  21. Brooks said...

    That is a framer! what a beautiful shot!

  22. Ann Imig said...

    Beautiful photo!!!

  23. Unknown said...

    I love this picture...it's beautiful!

  24. Sarah said...

    I love that! I have a similar one on my computer of my dh with our two middle ones fishing at a lake! Come check out todays pic at real-life-stuff.blogspot.com Happy ATWT!

  25. Bree Shaw said...

    your pictures are always so great! i need to take some advice from you! love it!

  26. Abby said...

    That is a great picture! Makes we want to be by the ocean!

  27. April said...

    Beautiful! I have so many photos of my family facing the ocean! Happy ATWT!

  28. Mel Fraase said...

    Love the photo - those quiet unposed moments are the best!

  29. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    I love that photo. Love the old fashioned look to it.

  30. Erin said...

    your picture is absolutely beautiful! What a moment to capture on film!

  31. Finding Joy in the Journey said...

    Definately a frame-worthy photo!

  32. Tenakim said...

    perfect picture!

  33. 4 Lettre Words said...

    I'm a newbie, but I so love this idea, especially since I didn't blog when my oldest was a tot!

    Happy ATWT!

  34. Jamey said...

    Wow that is a great shot. BTW I am sure you enjoyed Lost last night, Sawyer didn't wear a shirt through almost the whole show (Thannk God)!

  35. Anonymous said...

    That is a beautiful picture!

  36. Leslie said...

    What a sweet picture. Yes, very serene!

  37. Unknown said...

    That is one gorgeous photo!

  38. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Ocean shots are great. I especially like them since all we get around here are mountain shots.

  39. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I always love your pictures and the effects you use on them!

  40. Andrea Frederick said...

    What a great picture!

  41. Patois42 said...

    I love this photo, and I know exactly what you mean about the serenity of those photos.

  42. Anonymous said...

    Gave you an award today on my blog!

  43. Roxane said...

    I love those "back" photos as well...there really is so much about them that it appealing.

    This is my second week of Thousand Words Thursday and would love for everyone to visit my crazy blog!

  44. Anonymous said...

    pssssst you have an award!! Go get your award chick a dee!! http://downsgang.blogspot.com/2009/01/i-would-like-to-thank-academy.html

  45. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I love that! I love the sepia/black and white feel too (I couldn't decide which it was).

  46. Clare said...

    beautiful photo jen! i love it!

  47. Kate P. said...

    L.O.V.E. that pic! FRAME FRAME...somebody get Jen a FRAME for that photo!!

  48. goodbye said...

    that is a great photo!

  49. Ali said...

    That is a great picture! I have one of my little family of 4 holding hands looking out on top of a mountain--I love it!

  50. Noob Mommy said...

    This is such a fabulous photo! One of those that makes me wish I have a son in the future :)

  51. Michelle said...

    I love ocean photos too!

  52. MOMMY-MOMO said...

    amazing picture! To be framed for sure!

  53. Jo-Jo said...

    You really are wonderful with a camera.

  54. Stacy Uncorked said...

    Absolutely love that picture! Definitely needs to be framed... :)

    First time participating! :)

  55. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    I love this, just beautiful.

  56. artfuldelight said...

    That is a fabulous picture. Thanks for sharing.

  57. jen aka mommay said...

    That's such a nice photo!

  58. Unknown said...

    Makes me want to head over to Cali again. Such a lovely shot...

  59. Martha said...

    Great photo. I have several of Tara looking out over the ocean. I just love them!
    Here's mine for the day!

  60. Anonymous said...

    WOW! That's a beautiful picture.

  61. Jenni said...

    Beautiful photo!!! I love those kind of shots, too!

  62. Aracely said...

    Is that near Bolsa Chica? I love saying Bolsa Chica, Bolsa Chica

  63. Emma said...

    What a great idea. I love all of the pictures. Your picture is awesome. I love the ocean it is so calming!

  64. Angela said...

    I absolutely LOVE this picture!

  65. Unknown said...

    I did my ATWT at 2 minutes till mignight last night -Bunko Night! And I forgot to comment that I love, love, love that picture!

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