Wedding Belle (A Thousand Wedding Bells Thursday)

Over winter break, we all had some nice down time. No school, no schedules, gorgeous weather, lovely.

Some may say it was a good time for a wedding.

DQ took it upon herself to be the wedding photographer and overseeing the marriage of "Beary Mc Bearingson" and Miss K.

The happy couple were married in our backyard, near the swings.'s kissed her groom.

She has to carry him around, he's put on a little weight this winter.

HEY! Who's suggesting all this mackin'?

They are a very unconventional couple.

She's choking him, and smiling. Just like normal couples.

Here K learns that her dad may not be too happy about her marrying so young.

"That's okay," she says. She'll try again when she's "growed up!"

Cheaper Than Therapy

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16 supporters in group:

  1. Unknown said...

    Cute, cute, cute!

  2. Ranch Girl said...


  3. He & Me + 3 said...

    Too cute. Her dress is fabulous and DQ did a great job with the photographs.

  4. Unknown said...

    That is to cute!!

  5. Anonymous said...



    Awesome job with the pics as well. ;)
    She is sooo beautiful.

  6. Martha said...

    These are absolutely the SWEETEST photos. I miss the days of sweet photos. Now I just get... get that camera away from ME!

  7. Unknown said...

    She is so adorable!! I love that big bear!

  8. Serendipity is Sweet said...

    How adorable! And she is such a beautiful bride :)

  9. Abby said...

    She is such a pretty girl! Love it!

  10. The Mom Jen said...

    Martha, sounds like my oldest, that's why you never see her in photos! I'll get her this weekend at her competition! Hehe.

  11. shawn said...

    Too Cute!!! Beautiful pictures

  12. Anonymous said...

    wow! She is just a little cutie patooty isnt she?

  13. Merrie said...

    K. Is. Yummy.

  14. sheila said...

    Wow, these are some really cute shots. Very very sweet! (or I should have said Beary,

  15. Christy said...

    ahhhh that is the cutest marriage I have ever seen!

  16. Anonymous said...

    So adorable, great pictures and what a pretty wedding dress..


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