High School Preview Night

I've had a rush of anxiety last week.

Yes, I know it's normal for me, but this was different.

Preview Night at our local high school sent waves of nervous energy through my body as well as my 8th grader's.

I'm so excited that DQ is going to start high school next year, a milestone that is huge for our family. One that I can't believe is upon us already.

I remember the little girl with curls who used to get the 5 o'clock giggles and couldn't stop just entering preschool for the first time and crying because she didn't want to be away from us.

Now begging to be away from us and the family adventures, my teenager is growing up so fast.

As we parked and walked to the auditorium, memories of myself walking the same high school as a Freshman 25 years ago (!) came back.

It felt as if I had just left.

In the gym, we gathered as people spilled in and filled the bleachers.  We met the superintendent, the principal, the ASB officers and then were separated into groups.

We talked classes, requirements, college-bound expectations, counselors, and grades.

We walked around booths for clubs and sports and courses that my daughter took in with wide-eyed fear.

It was all over-whelming, exciting, scary, and exhilirating.  For me and for DQ.

This is happening, and fast.

A few nights ago, DQ dreamt she got a "C" in a high school course she didn't remember taking because of a memory fail.

All nerves in the subconscious.

I STILL have those dreams, but they're of college, and I graduated nearly 16 years ago!

"Can't I just repeat 8th grade?!"

3 supporters in group:

  1. Karen Propes said...

    I have the same problem, like I didn't have enough credits to graduate High School.

  2. VickieC said...

    I went thru this with both my kids an it was just as scary both times,,they were nervous an so was I,,,you just want them on the right track an theres so many to choose from,one of mine was college bound an one wasnt,,so it was hard both ways

  3. VickieC said...

    MY kids told me that they were just a nervous as I was,,but didnt want to admit it

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