The Short and the Shorter

WHAT was I smoking thinking??

I haven't had this short of hair since Kindergarten's Dorothy Hamil phase!

I went in yesterday saying I was loving the a-line bobby look and I want to go shorter! I was really conservative the first time around, but now I went out of my mind all out.


Hubby loves it. The kids didn't even notice. Except K who went with me and picked up every strand that was snipped from my head. "You HAY YUR?!" My dad said I look 17. My mom liked it.

I think I love it sometimes, other looks I freak out and go, how old am I again?!

Sigh. It'll grow back right?!

*update* Thanks to Jill Jill Bo Bill for giving a name to that back-of-the-neck hump thing that I'm now very self conscious of. It's a Buffalo Hump! Great, now I need to start knitting some scarves to hide mine.

92 supporters in group:

  1. Heather said...

    I think it looks great!

  2. Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

    I love it! I think it is so cute. Maybe you can try straightening it with a hot iron to make it look a little younger. I always find using the iron on my hair gives me a more youthful appearance!

    but I do think it looks great!

  3. Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

    I LOVE it! And I promise you, after you get over the "mirror shock", you will too. I cut mine a little more than expected about 5 weeks ago - check out my blog post (I'll try to send you an email with a link). Once I got over that shock, I was in love with it. A little validation from strangers didn't hurt either.

    Regardless, I waited too long to make an appointment and now it feels too shaggy and overgrown in the back. Go figure!

    So cute! And young is good . . . you are far from Dorothy Hamill!

  4. Unknown said...

    It's ADORABLE!!!!!

    I love it...definitely younger! I'd say mid-20's!

    You saw my daughter's short short cut? She could be YOUR daughter :P

  5. Anonymous said...

    Oh my gawsh, you look so cute! That is an adorable hair cut on you. I think you look younger than your blog photo...not that you look shabby there, cuz you don't.

    I think you look awesome!

  6. Pam said...

    very cute! you have the face for it. if i tried to get away w a cut like that, i don't know what i'd look like since my face is fat, full, round..whatever you wanna call it LOL

  7. jen jen said...

    Love it!!!

  8. Tena said...

    I think it is a great cut on you! Looking good Jen!!!

  9. Aubrey said...

    Fab-O!! Looks really good. And not that you didn't look young before but you look YOUNG now!! You go girl!!

  10. Anonymous said...

    LOVE IT!!!!! It looks beautiful on you. I SO wish I could get away with a short do but then I'd really look like a beached whale!

  11. The Mom Jen said...

    Thanks everyone..but I honestly do have the shoulders and back of a linebacker so my head looks awfully small now. SIGH!

  12. Unknown said...

    I LOVE it!!

    It looks sooo good on you!

  13. Claire said...

    I LOVE it! I wish I could cut my hair like that!!!

  14. Unknown said...

    I think it's super cute!! And you are right, it will grow back if you decide you don't like it.

  15. Deb@Mommie Mayhem said...

    I love it. You will soon get use to it trust me !!

  16. Tracey said...

    I LOVE IT!!!

  17. Heather said...

    I don't think you lost your mind - I think you lost some age and/or weight (not that you NEEDED to) with this cut - YOU LOOK SMOKIN!!!

    Ditto the straight iron comments - you could make this look very versatile with the right tools.

  18. Wendi said...

    You look smokin hawt!
    Love it really looks great on you!
    Wish I had a less round face and I would totally cut mine.

  19. Heather said...

    I love it! I agree on the things you can do with that cut with a straight iron! I love cutting my hair short!

  20. jill jill bo bill said...

    I had mine cut just like that. YOUR'S IS DARLING!!!! Mine...well, I am growing ot because like you, I have the shoulder thing going on AND I think I am getting a buffalo hump.....'nuff said.(no wonder I only have twenty-something votes)

  21. Rachel said...

    It looks GORGEOUS! I'm so jealous -- I tried that with my hair once. Ended up looking like a dark-headed Ronald McDonald. Sigh.

  22. amelia bedelia said...

    oh my gosh, i think it looks great! and yes, the buffalo hump sucks. collared shirts are my best friends.

  23. Ranch Girl said...

    I love it! I get my hair cut just before our trip - I'm thinking I need to do something different but I don't know what. Although I am thinking this year instead of a tattoo I'll dye my hair some strange color (not all of it, but maybe some streaks?!). One of my step daughters used to have streaks of what I called wicked witch green, but now the streaks are more of a teal blue!

    Anyway, I think your hair looks great!

  24. Corey~living and loving said...

    I love it. You know I went short recently for the first time since 8th grade. eeek...everyone said it made me look younger too. :)

  25. Original GRITS said...

    I think it's AWESOME!!!

  26. Anonymous said...

    Oh I love it! Yours is so cute and it really does make you look younger (not that you look old by any means).

    I will admit I just cut my hair a month ago.. cut from mid-back to top-shoulder and I can't wait to get some of my length back.

    I have the buffalo hump too... I was getting it, but taking prednisone has made it more prominent. Lovely. One disease, many meds begets more issues..

  27. Texasholly said...

    I think you look HOT and you and Jill are so silly with the hump/bump whatever thing! OMG. Have Jill recommend some "undergarments" for you...I am sure after watching late night TV she will come up with something.

    Ya look amazing.

  28. Amy said...

    I like it.

  29. jen aka mommay said...

    Love it! Time to update your about me pic??? =))

  30. Jo-Jo said...

    Oh I love it! Of course it looks alot like my hair so, I have to like it! hee~hee. I like your new page too....its cute!

  31. Jenni said...

    I loooove it! We're like twins now!

  32. Mel said...

    I love the stacked bobs and it looks terrific on you!

  33. AC said...

    1. I love the new look on you.
    2. You are motivating me to cut my hair off too! I love it that much!
    3. I like to call that hump, ma lovely lady hump - my hum my hump my hump...

  34. Susan said...

    It is so cute and you absolutely do NOT have the neck and shoulder of a linebacker!

  35. Tiffany said...

    I think you look great. And it's about as short as mine. This weekend I got mine highlighted a little more blond and boy is it blond now. I might copy you and do a poll of which hair color looks best. LOL And NOW you are totally a HOTT blogger. Calendar here you come!!

  36. Toni said...

    Jen, you look great!

    Love it on you!

  37. Kelli @ writing the waves said...

    I always feel like that when I first get my hair cut and then after I get used to it, I love it.

    Your hair looks great! I like the color too. And I was just reading the other day that the layered bob is going to be "all the rage" this fall. :)

  38. Vicki said...

    Ok seriously - it looks fantastic!!! I mean it - I LOVE it!!! You look great!!! I LOVE the back - that's one of my favorite cuts. Unfortunately, I have a cowlick (is that how you spell it) and it wouldn't work for me!! But I think you look wonderful - it definitely suits you!!!
    I actually got mine all chopped off tonight - it's ultra short. Now THAT takes some getting used to - MAJOR mirror shock!! :)

  39. Tara R. said...

    It looks great!

  40. Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

    I think it looks great. Also, love your new header.

  41. Lindsay said...

    I think it looks great and totally didnt notice the buffalo hump.. but I totally like the song that It's time to open the bottle... said

  42. Anonymous said...

    Wow...I think it looks really great. Hurray for you for having the courage to go for it...wether or not you think you're crazy.

  43. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I think it looks GREAT on you. I hate getting my hair cut and then not know how to do it the next time I shower. I always just throw mine back in a pony. You look so HAWT I think you should be the centerfold of the calendar!!I have never heard of Buffalo Hump, that made me laugh.

  44. SuzieQ said...

    Girl you are smokin all right and you look FANTASTIC! It might take you a while to get used to it but I think when you do you'll love it!

  45. A Crafty Mom said...

    I LOVE it Jen, it totally suits you. It frames your face so well . . . it is CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!

  46. Anonymous said...

    I love it! You are much more brave than me. I just got it cut but it was more in a style and I kept the length. If I cut it that short I would die. But it looks amazing on you!

  47. A Christian Mom said...

    I love it & think it's a great cut for you!

  48. Amber said...

    I think it looks great!

  49. Unknown said...

    I love it! Very flattering... But, I have to say a lot of times when I cut my hair I have the same thought "It'll grow back!"

  50. Rochelle said...

    It looks great! Too cute. The technical term for bump in the back is a bubble according to my stylist!

    This deserves a mom's night out! Where should we go?? What shall we see??? Friday works for me.

  51. Christina said...

    I think it looks awesome! Really, I might want to print a picture to bring with me next time I go get mine cut!

  52. Jamey said...

    I thought you looked different today! I noticed something different but you were too far away. Looks very cute.

  53. Leah said...

    I think it looks great!!!

  54. Not Just Any Jen said...

    Buffalo what?

    I think you look, as Allison would say...Fabulous.

  55. Jill said...

    It looks great! It really frames your face. I'm jealous!

  56. Anonymous said...

    Anything that makes a woman look/feel younger is great! It looks fantastic!

  57. Rebecca said...

    I LOVE you your new haircut, I think it looks fabulous, and you look beautiful Jen!!!

    Funny I got my hair cut too yesterday....without such great results I am afraid. lol

  58. Kendra@My Insanity said...

    Super cute! I keep thinking about going short, but I am a little afraid. Maybe you'll inspire me to go for it.

  59. Anissa Mayhew said...

    Holy crap, you have some MAD thick hair! I am just wallowing in jealous right now. It looks great and you do look about 20 y.o. Relish it!

  60. Darcie said...

    Oh my god I love it! I'm totally stealing your picture and taking it to my stylist. This is the haircut I've been looking for: Katie Holmes but no bangs. :) Thanks!!!

  61. Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

    Great style. Love the back. I cut mine like this every few years and always get rave reviews. Maybe its time again.

    So... I am new to the blogging world, but I mentioned your blog name on my post a minute ago. I'd love to hyperlink it so people will come here (not that I have a million readers or anything), but do you know how to do that?

    BTW: Cute blog design. It is so fun to see all the difference styles.

  62. flickrlovr said...

    OMG Jen! It looks amazing! Seriously. I love it. Makes you look super young, but in a good way. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. And even I have the buffalo hump. Sigh.

  63. Anonymous said...

    drop dead gorgeous c: i love short hair c:

  64. Anonymous said...

    Wow! It's gorgeous! Time for a new AVI!! :)

  65. PostCards said...

    Love it, it's hot! You'll be rockin' the girls weekend with hair like that!!

  66. Anonymous said...

    I think it looks FAB!! You rock the short hair!! But I understand ya, I am ready for mine to grow out as well.

  67. Toni said...

    I love it!!! I had short hair forever and am now trying to talk myself into getting it cut short!!! Yours looks great!

  68. Ali said...

    That totally needs to be your new avatar--it looks great!! And why is it that men get stereotyped as liking long hair on women? My hubby also loves the bob on me:)

  69. Kimberly said...

    Oh wow, I think it looks GREAT! You can now join me in the short hair club. You've got think hair like I do. :)

  70. Blog Stalker said...

    Wow, lots of comments! Awesome, and the hair looks great. Not sure of your age but you DO look young.

    Love some of your earlier posts too. SAHD, too funny.

  71. mom3crazygirls said...

    OK, having known you for years, I can say STOP IT!! you DO NOT have a 'buffalo hump' and I LOVE the new do!! I have been growing mine and it is driving me crazy, but I want to get through the winter to help keep my neck covered from the cold - tho I am thinking of becoming a brunette!!

  72. Laski said...

    You clearly don't need yet ANOTHER comment telling you how great it looks . . . awe, what the heck.

    It really does look great. I love the way it frames your face. It looks so full in the back and it retains that swingy, dare I say, SEXY look.

    And you are way too hard on yourself (I say this to you, but I am the SAME way). Your shoulders are fine and you do not have any sort of HUMP on your neck. Trust me . . . my aunt has one and you just DON'T. At least not of any size with which to concern yourself.

    And, YUP. You totally look all of 20 in this pic. Fresh faced and . . . you know, you should consider using this photo as your new profile pic/avatar . . .

  73. Linda S said...

    I LOVE it, Jen..don't even see a buffalo hump, mine is so quasimoto, that I can't even pull my hair up, so you go girl. You're haawwwt. {{tears computer away from 17year old son}}

    good thing you watermarked those photos..don't know where they might end up, if you know what I mean???

  74. Mama Les said...

    I LOVE IT!! It looks nice and healthy!!!!! very cute!

  75. Jenny said...

    YOU'RE GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. Merrie said...

    Okay, I LOVE that cut on you. You can totally pull it off, whereas it would make my giant melon head look even rounder and bigger. I'm glad you went for this look -- very attractive! And not a buffalo hump in sight.

  77. Amy Clary said...

    Very cute hair! Apparently 77 other people think so too. :) wow!

  78. Anonymous said...

    I love it!

  79. Kate said...

    whoa there hot mama!!! :D lookin' good!! I seriously like it...time to change the profile pict. ;)

  80. Messy Mommy said...

    Love it.

  81. G said...

    your hair looks great and you pull it off beautifully! :D

    how old are you? 22? ;)

  82. Insane Mama said...

    I totally dig it!

  83. Kat said...

    I SOOOOO love it!!

  84. Kristen Andrews said...

    I like it!

  85. JenEverAfter said...

    I think it rocks! And what's so wrong with looking younger anyway?

  86. Amanda @ notsoextraordinary said...

    i think it looks great! and the buffalo hump... meh, you could flatten that out right? I really really like it! i am hoping that when i cut mine that short again in about a month it will look like yours... cuz i actually have hair and volume now!

  87. Mommy Meryl said...

    It is so cool and sooo not dorothy hammill!! I too just got the short a-line and have to say, am loving it!! So much quicker than before! You look hot girlfriend!! :-)

  88. Lisa said...

    I think it looks really cute, really!

  89. Anonymous said...

    I love how your hair is stacked in the back. Very chic!

  90. Deb said...

    It's gorgeous!!!

  91. Kim said...

    Looks great!!!

  92. Kelly said...

    Awww.that looks great on you!
    I wish I could have short hair is too thick so when I did cut it, it poofed out and looked like a mushroom!

    You, though..fabulous!

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